Wii U to become hardware beast, feature Steam?

A quick post to update you on most interesting rumours regarding the Wii U. If true, the Wii U will become quite a hardware beast, sport unbelievable third party collaborations and, consequently, cost more than expected.

The rumours originate from an Italian website citing a source within Ubisoft Milan and were translated by Übergizmo.

To summarise, the rumours state:

* Launch date: November, 23rd
* Price: $350-$450
* RAM: 2GB, with 560MB dedicated to the operating system
* GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6770
* DirectX 11 support
* Crytek, EA and Valve working on games
* Valve supplying digital distribution platform and Portal port

These specs and details are quite surprising, to say the least. In fact, they may border the unbelievable. Valve supporting the Wii U with what would have to be the first console port of Steam would be a system-selling feature that would leave Microsoft and Sony out in the cold, whenever they release their next-gen consoles.

In my mind, now would be a good time to buy Nintendo shares anyway (in fact, I recently have). If these rumours turn out to be true, you should be able to double your money before the year is out. But I am really sceptical.

EDIT It appears that the forum poster has admitted to making the whole thing up. Thanks to Obiettivo Sbloccato for the heads-up.

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