Breaking: Sony buys Gaikai

Breaking: Sony buys Gaikai

Breaking news: Sony has just acquired the videogame streaming service Gaikai, according to Venture Beat . The link was just forwarded by Gai...
The end of E3

The end of E3

E3 has just ended but are we witnessing the end of E3? This post would have been about all the exciting news from the world’s most important...
´Call of Duty Elite´ interview

´Call of Duty Elite´ interview

One week before our next installment of my new show about competitive gaming, FTW - For the Win , you can watch my interview with Noah Helle...
Microsoft patented display helmet

Microsoft patented display helmet

Microsoft has patented a display helmet, eerily reminiscent of the Nintendo On fake . Analysed thoroughly by Patent Bolt , the helmet may be...
´FTW - For the Win´ continues

´FTW - For the Win´ continues

Once again, it has been far too long since my last post. But, once again, some good news are the reason for me having been extremely busy. M...