Nintendo 3DS details, PSP2 details next week

The Nintendo 3DS will launch in North America on March 27th for $249 and in Europe on March 25th for an expected price of €249/£249 or below. This is in line with expectations (see post below). However, no fixed price was issued for the European market. Nintendo is leaving it up to retail to set individual prices. To my knowledge, this is the first time Nintendo is not naming a price alongside a console's launch date. When the Wii was announced for Europe, the price was fixed and communicated. While most European outlets fall in line by pricing the 3DS at around 250 in either currency, UK retailers range from below £200 to a staggering £300.

While no further deals with major Hollywood Studios have been announced (above and beyond the three already committed to the system), Nintendo is partnering with sports broadcasters Sky and Eurosport in Europe while no such partnerships have been announced for North America. Not yet, anyway.

Only next week, Sony will reveal its PSP2 handheld, the successor to the PlayStation Portable, it is believed. While we know most things about the PSP2's sibling, the PlayStation Phone, already (without it being officially announced), the PSP2's features are still largely unknown. It is rumoured to be the handheld equivalent of the PS3.

And there may be unexpected competition in the form of an Apple product. The company is said to be considering 3D for its new iPod Touch. While Apple identifies its place in gaming as a "subset of casual games", such devices would compete directly in terms of other content.

EDIT The first substantial details regarding the PSP2 have emerged from a Japanese newspaper through Andriasang and via Engadget and Joystiq. According to the source, the device will feature an OLED screen, by far the best, albeit most expensive screen technology currently available. The report goes on to state that the console will be able to connect to 3G networks, which might facilitate online multiplayer and access to downloads practically anywhere. Apparently, the PSP2 will not be able to place calls, though. Details of a PSP phone have already been leaked.

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